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How Generation Z has changed Activism?
Devorah Esguerra Devorah Esguerra

How Generation Z has changed Activism?

As seen on social media, Gen Z has been the most politically engaged, racially diverse, and educated generation we have seen. The way they have tackled social issues has changed how we approach activism, from raising awareness to amplifying voices and connecting with people of different backgrounds from around the world. The voices of Gen-Z have reached millions of people, with the utilization of different platforms, and the initiative for social change has become revolutionary.

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Quick Read;Rethinking the UN
Auliya Naura Telaumbanua (Liya) Auliya Naura Telaumbanua (Liya)

Quick Read;Rethinking the UN

While the UN has accomplished many things in the past to ensure international peace and security, the use of veto power by the P5 members means that they are able to block any resolution that may need attention. Veto power has been used in the past, and many have criticized the council for being outdated. The world is bigger than 5 countries, and limiting the use of veto is important for the UN to take appropriate actions.

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Panita Chaiyo (Baitong) Panita Chaiyo (Baitong)


TW: r*pe

Stealthing is the non-consensual removal of condoms during sex. It is considered rape. Though this is no light topic, discussing it is crucial in order to acknowledge what it is, why it’s wrong and what it could lead to. Swipe to learn more.

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Queer Athletes Making History in the Olympics
Tamyra Selvarajan Tamyra Selvarajan

Queer Athletes Making History in the Olympics

During the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, a grand total of 32 queer athletes participated and won medals in the competition. This is yet another reminder that as our world becomes more inclusive, we get to celebrate and look up to more inspiring figures of all sexual identities

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Overpopulation: A Global Crisis
Yuen Yeng Cheong Yuen Yeng Cheong

Overpopulation: A Global Crisis

With 8 billion people already on earth, our population is growing at an extremely alarming rate. The effects of this global crisis will not only harm the environment, but will also lead to many conflicts and socioeconomic issues, unless we do our part to flatten the curve.

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Hong Kong’s National Security Law
Annison Harhay Annison Harhay

Hong Kong’s National Security Law

Ever since Hong Kong’s National Security Law was passed on June 31st 2020, the human rights and personal freedom of its people have been robbed. From the right to peacefully protest to teachers facing limitations in the classroom, China’s iron fist has taken control of Hong Kong and its citizens.

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Natamon Aumphin (Namkhing) Natamon Aumphin (Namkhing)


The hype around crypto-currency is currently circling the internet. But with its many benefits, there are also drawbacks. Let’s learn more about it.

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Gen Z:What triggers the trigger warning?
Devorah Esguerra Devorah Esguerra

Gen Z:What triggers the trigger warning?

Trigger warnings are not just a trend. The prevalence and widespread use of trigger warnings today is a necessity for preventing discomfort and emotional distress in cyberspace, especially within the era of social media we are currently in. It helps shed light on our experiences with mental health, as well as gives us the opportunity to help each other heal.

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Black Power Movement
Auliya Naura Telaumbanua (Liya) Auliya Naura Telaumbanua (Liya)

Black Power Movement

The revolutionary uprising that is the Black Power Movement has impacted everything around us, from pop culture to education, and politics. The movement paved the way for many Black leaders and empowered African Americans to overcome decades of discrimination. The movement is a turning point in history and will continue to serve as a reminder for us to fight for black lives for years to come.

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Why do Conservatives Hate Men Embracing Femininity?
Tamyra Selvarajan Tamyra Selvarajan

Why do Conservatives Hate Men Embracing Femininity?

After Candace Owen’s comment on Harry Style’s Vogue cover shoot back in 2020, many conservatives have expressed their views on men and masculinity. But why do conservatives hate men embracing masculinity? Swipe to read more about fragile masculinity.

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What Happened with China’s One-Child Policy?
Chayapa Preechayanpanich (Lanta) Chayapa Preechayanpanich (Lanta)

What Happened with China’s One-Child Policy?

China’s one-child policy has since seen a major change in 2021. Despite China’s extremely competitive society, the new Three-child policy seemingly contradicts the peoples’ work ethics. Swipe to learn more about the new Three-child policy, and how it came to be.

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Why Are Frito-Lays Workers on Strike?
Wannuwat Jitsuparp (Jeffrey) Wannuwat Jitsuparp (Jeffrey)

Why Are Frito-Lays Workers on Strike?

Due to the harsh working conditions known as “suicide shifts”, Frito Lays workers were one strike. Swipe more to learn about what happened and what you can do to help.

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How to stop People-Pleasing?
Sanpim Sunpaweravong (Sandy) Sanpim Sunpaweravong (Sandy)

How to stop People-Pleasing?

People-pleasing is something a lot of people tend to do and it can be both mentally and physically taxing. Swipe to read more about how u can learn to stop people-pleasing!

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Asian Discrimination in Academics
Latika Phummaryn (Beam) Latika Phummaryn (Beam)

Asian Discrimination in Academics

Asians and Asian Americans have long been stereotyped as “model minorities” — a label that is seemingly flattering, but actually marginalizes and ignores the challenges that Asian students must encounter.

“I knew my performance was being evaluated against the image of the perfect, straight-A Asian student who lived in my teacher’s mind.”

Not only does this myth ignore the vast number of Asians with talents in diverse, non-academic interests, but it puts to shame other racial minorities as lazy or inadequate.

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6th October Thammasat Massacre
Akkarasorn Opilan (Ang-Ang) Akkarasorn Opilan (Ang-Ang)

6th October Thammasat Massacre

TW: death, blood, r*pe) Forty-five years ago, Thai left-wing students who protested against the return of a military dictator were brutally murdered. This is a piece to remind ourselves to not repeat one’s mistake.

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Blood-donation Discrimination
Panita Chaiyo (Baitong) Panita Chaiyo (Baitong)

Blood-donation Discrimination

Since science and medicine have proven that anyone who practices unsafe sex can equally transmit HIV, why can’t everyone be eligible to apply to be a blood donor? Swipe to read more about the blood donation ban on the LGBT community

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